

Break the Cycle - by Mary Trombitas

Break the Cycle, a book on best practices in organizational leadership.

Available on Amazon

The key to great leadership is simple.

  • Know and be yourself,

  • know and support your people, and

  • know and drive great business results.

Rather than strive for perfection, strive for production. Model the behavior and take the action you want to inspire in your team members. Now, more than ever, people are seeking leaders they can trust to lead them. Let that leader be you.

In Break the Cycle, author Mary Trombitas shares her breadth of experience, and expresses how you can cultivate and develop your personal leadership traits. Discover the art of human leadership HUMAN —

  • Honest,

  • Unbiased,

  • Motivating,

  • Accountable, and

  • Natural. 

Know how to lead and when to follow.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. A must read for all! I particularly liked…

‘To focus on who you should be is problem-focused; to focus on who you are is solution-focused. Problems keep us stuck in a rut; solutions offer a way forward.’



Meet the author

Board Certified Coach - CCE

Mary Trombitas is a board-certified coach (BCC) with specialty designations in executive, corporate, business, leadership, personal and life coaching. She is a certified human resource professional (SPHR and SHRM-SCP).